The Jonajo Blog

Dreaming or Being your own Boss?

Have you ever dreamt about being your own boss? Most people want to be their own boss but the distance between thought and action, however, can be vast. Entrepreneurship has a reputation for being risky and insecure, but the truth is that there are many people out there who have struck out and succeeded in making their business dreams become a reality.

I used to work for worldwide corporations in R&D packaging development. While working I spent my free time going back and forth with ideas, doing research and approaching different vendors and suppliers.

I was very excited to make the move but the fear of risking my paycheck held me back. I kept delaying the meeting with my boss until mid 2015 when i finally quit my job.

If you are moving into action, make sure you have these additional elements squared away:


Learn your industry.

Taking advantage of my career in design and the customers demand on personalized products I decided to run a laser tech business.

Today, a lot of information is just one click away; take advantage of it! Don’t underestimate the power of social media, every post reveals important information. Know who are your competitors and who will be your target audience. Don’t make the mistake of building a new business around what you love and like rather than what motivates your customers.


Build a strategy.

You do need a formal business plan to set up timeframes and clear objectives. Don’t hesitate on getting help from others with more experience than you.

I started making my business plan supported by my MBA classes. Remember, a business is not only defined by the product; you will need the financial and capital sides; external and internal factors that will affect you business.


Get the right people on board.

You won’t be able to do it all by yourself, but please don’t hire your friends. Pals are on an equal footing. But in a business transaction, one of you is paying the other to perform a job, which creates a power imbalance and friendships can be hurt.

Printsy Studio was set up formally in October 2015. I started on my own; designing, posting on Facebook groups, selling and delivering. It was crazy, but now I have a small team that helps me out producing and delivering.

Look out for someone that fulfills all the job requirements. Don’t doubt on hiring the best. The success of your business will be supported by your team work.

Being your own boss.

Today, after nearly eight months of running my own business Printsy Studio, I don’t regret any decision I made. In my own experience it had been quite a challenge but a very rich experience so far.

You know that there are opportunities, something waiting to be created, customers waiting to be served. You’re the only one who can make it happen.  Odds be damned, and let the risks be taken!


Christiane Coiffier


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Christiane Coiffier

Christiane Coiffier is the CEO of Printsy Studio.

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